February Final Friday UnWorkshop

OK folks, it’s time for our first Final Friday Faculty Unworkshop! As I noted in an earlier post, we’re trying an “unworkshop” model once a month this semester. The idea is to provide a time and place where faculty and staff can propose projects, issues, and topics to discuss and work on in a collaborative setting, without a pre-planned agenda. Is there something related to digital pedagogy (which we interpret very broadly) that you would like to explore, hack, tinker with, and talk about? Perhaps we haven’t piqued your interest with any of our regular workshop topics, or maybe the time hasn’t been right. Think of this as an opportunity to share ideas and learn from one another in a relaxed and convivial space.

Brett and Mo will be on hand to facilitate and coordinate during the afternoon. If you have something in mind that you’d like to pursue, we encourage you to comment on this post and let us and your colleagues know what you’re interested in. That would give us a bit of a heads-up for our brainstorming. Then on Friday, in the Johnson Center studio space (Abell Library 102), we’ll take the first few minutes to solicit further ideas and then sketch out a plan for the afternoon. Everyone can teach and learn from each other. We’ll start at 1:30 and go until about 4:30 or 5:00….feel free to come and go as you wish or drop in for a while, whatever your schedule permits. We’ll plan to provide some light refreshments to make our time even more enjoyable.

So drop some ideas in the comment section below, and join us this Friday afternoon.

4 thoughts on “February Final Friday UnWorkshop”

  1. I’d definitely be interested in talking more with anyone who has experimented with standards, contract, or specifications grading. I’m trying some hybrid version of principles from each of those, I think, but I’d love to know what others have done. 🙂


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