Project Proposal
I have been trying to incorporate digital pedagogy into the MUS 240, MUS 241, MUS 342 music history sequence for a while. Students are required to keep a listening journal, study selected scores, view selected operas, and read sources beyond the textbook. I believe that there are opportunities to make some or all of this more valuable through digital pedagogy. I would like to find an application or program which would support the listening journal so that I could see the student comment on a piece and the specific place in the piece at the same time—that students could actually point to sounds and sections of a piece digitally and make comments that would be connected to that place in the music.
These courses use a great deal of visual and video imagery that could better be utilized if students had access to it outside of the classroom. Currently I show these in class, but I would like to offer them before and after class, too.
Studying scores has always been a process of sitting around the table with too few scores to share and follow. There is a value to learning to follow a score but I think that digital scores might have a benefit to beginner score readers who can be instructed/guided in score study if I could point out important events in the music with some sort of real time markers.
Outside reading could also benefit from using wikis so that students could make comments on the reading, respond to others’ comments, I could moderate, etc. before we talk in class.
Additional Funding
The classroom in which I teach, CH 106, has an old and borrowed video projector, but it is on its last leg. We are also just projecting on the wall. I would propose to get:
- Video Projector – $1000 (estimate, could be less)
- Screen – $150
MUS 240 and 241 are taught every year and MUS 342 is taught every other year. I believe that this equipment and the support for learning to use digital pedagogy in these courses would produce a great benefit to students in an ongoing way. And methods I learn in these core courses would be useful in teaching the music appreciation courses as well, since we use many of the same methods in those courses, just on a smaller scale.
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