Workflow for Creating a Story Maps Journal Project
Creating the map and content layers
- Create a public account (not a trial account) at, “Sign In.” (unless you already have an ESRI account…then just sign in with those credentials)
- At ArcGIS home, select “Make a Map” (button)
- You are now at your map-making interface…become familiar with it!
- Follow the instructions in the left side panel
- choose the area that you want in your map…pan and zoom…but don’t worry about being too exact, because you can still navigate beyond the boundaries of you map later on
- choose basemap…in general, start with topographic view as default…can always change
- Go ahead and save map (give it a name and a tag (“Story Maps”))
- add content…layers (a specific category of information/data) …either pre-existing content (KML files), or add “map notes” for pins
- add map notes…give the note a name, and use the “map notes” template…click “create”
- select “stickpin” or “pushpin” (doesn’t matter for now) in left sidebar…the icon will then have a grey background
- mouse over the map and place the pin where you want it by clicking on the map
- a dialogue box will open up…again enter the name of the pin for a title, and then add whatever texts and images you want to the description (don’t need to add any)…thus you are adding content to the “pop-up” box
- click “change symbol” to style the pin, if you want
- when you’re done, click “close” and you pin is embedded in the map
- repeat as desired
- OR…create a map note using the search function
- enter search term…in the resulting pop-up box, click “add to map notes”
- click on the resulting icon, then in the resulting box, click “edit”
- give the point a title, text description, and image, as in no. 4 above
- change symbol, as in no. 5 above
- in the left sidebar, turn off editing (click the edit button if necessary) and under contents, click on the three dots under map notes
- select “rename” in the menu, and rename the note to match the title you gave the point earlier
- click the home icon in the map
- save and share
Creating a Story Journal with your Map
- To create the story map journal, go to
- select the “Apps” tab, and scroll down to “Story Map Journal”
- Select “Learn More” to see Overview, Gallery, and Tutorial
- In the tutorial tab, scroll down to number 1 and select “Start the Story Map Journal Builder.” A new window will open with an interactive wizard
- Select “Side Panel” layout and click “Start”
- Enter a title for your project
- For “Home Section,” for “Main Stage Content,” select “map” and open the drop-down for “select a web map”
- Select “Browse for Maps Arc GIS Online”
- Your “My Content” area of ArcGIS should open, and you should see the map you created earlier. Select it.
- Leave the “Location,” “Content,” and “Popup” options on “web map default” for now … click “next”
- Add content to side panel of home section…text, links, rich media, etc.
- Click “add,” and now you are out of the wizard and in the main map builder journal interface…continue to add and organize sections.
- All material in all sections and the main stage can be edited at any time…always be sure to save changes (button in upper right corner)
- When ready, select “Share” and “View Live”
- Toggle back and forth between map journal builder and live view to continue revising and editing the project…remember to save often
- To make changes to the main stage map, go back to and edit the appropriate map there.
- For all content, be sure to obtain proper permissions for use
- Remember that all linked content may be moved/removed, and that links may become broken