10 Things the Best Digital Teachers Do

Here’s a helpful article posted last week by Jesse Stommel and Sean Michael Morris of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, “10 Things the Best Digital Teachers Do.” The authors begin by noting that

Both of us came to digital teaching early but somewhat reluctantly. What we love most about teaching are the interactions with students, and 15 years ago we didn’t see clearly how adding digital tools would allow us to strengthen those interactions.

The truth is: Face-to-face teaching has no direct digital analogue. However, digital technology has helped us have different kinds of interactions, and with a much more diverse set of students. Likewise, using digital tools has allowed our students to interact with a global community.

Sometimes we might think that the use of digital resources would compromise the kind of faculty-student interaction that Austin College is known for, so it’s encouraging to hear colleagues affirm that digital technologies can enhance engagement with students. Give it a read and let us know what you think.

By the way, UMW has been in the news this week because Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has proposed further cuts in state funding to higher ed coupled with increased faculty teaching loads. As one state legislator put it, “Of course I want research, but I want to have research done in a way that focuses on growing our economy, not on ancient mating habits of whatever.” Just a thought as you plan your research agendas!

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